WESTAF Long Range Plan

The WESTAF board of trustees has approved a new strategic plan. The 10-year plan, which will be formally rolled out in the fall of 2018, recognizes the central role technology now plays in the work of WESTAF and makes more explicit the dynamics that are in place to propel the organization and its key stakeholders to a higher level of success.

To review elements in the plan, hover over areas on the map until an item is highlighted. These areas can be expanded by clicking on the highlighted item. A window will open with explanatory text for that item.

This plan was made possible by WESTAF Chair Erin Graham. Graham also serves as the chief operating officer at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The plan and planning process were developed in consultation with the design planning firm XPLANE of Portland, Oregon. Aric Wood, CEO of XPLANE, generously made himself and his staff available to help WESTAF leadership create a plan that is both easy to understand and motivating for those involved in the work of WESTAF.

Questions and/or comments about the plan should be directed to: Christian Gaines, Executive Director, WESTAF. He can be reached via email at Christian.Gaines@westaf.org by phone at 303-629-1166.

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Download the PDF file .

SAA Services & Advocacy

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Equity & Leadership Development

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Thought Leadership & Reach

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National Services & Advocacy

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New Technology & Partnerships

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Operational Excellence

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Strong, innovative, entrepreneurial, and relevant state and public sector arts agencies

Number of leadership roles at arts organizations and/or on arts boards held by people of color in WESTAF region


Percentage of Western state and large city arts agency budgets (cumulatively) that is comprised of earned, contributed, and contract revenue

Understanding what value SAA’s believe WESTAF provides to the states


Number of national, statewide and local initiatives and policies that state and public sector arts agencies are invited to participate in as a partner


Artists of color and organizations of color have ownership of resources to shape cultural life in their communities leading to increased funding and resource equity within the arts sector

Number of leadership roles at arts organizations and/or on arts boards held by people of color in WESTAF region


Number of artists of color engaged in WESTAF technology programs


Percent of public funding distributed to artists of color and organizations in the WESTAF region


Understanding whether artists of color and organizations of color feel they are engaged in meaningful conversations


Rural artists and rural arts organizations have ownership of resources to shape cultural life in their communities leading to increased funding and resource equity within the arts sector

Number of leaders from rural communities engaged in state or regional issues related to advocacy, funding, and other arts-related issues


Number of rural artists engaged in WESTAF technology programs


Percent of public funding distributed to rural communities in the WESTAF region


Understanding whether rural artists and organizations feel they are engaged in meaningful conversations


Increased public funding and support for the arts at local, state and national levels

Total aggregate public funds provided to artists and arts organizations in the WESTAF region


Number of local, state, and national elected officials voting in support of public funding and/or arts legislation


Total aggregate budgets of state arts advocacy organizations in the WESTAF region


WESTAF is a recognized, respected and trusted thought leader in the arts field

Number of WESTAF convenings and presentations at local, regional and national conferences


Experience of participants at WESTAF convenings (Net Promoter Score for WESTAF events)


Number of mentions of WESTAF thought leadership and data in arts publications and news outlets, including links back to WESTAF content


Understanding what value participants believe WESTAF provides to the field


Increased WESTAF technology customer satisfaction, acquisition and retention

Net Promoter Score for WESTAF technology products


Year-over-year increase in gross revenues related to technology


Number of new customers, retained customers and attrition


Understanding what prompted a customer to choose WESTAF products over a competitor’s products